Literacy Data Exercise
Griffith Feeney

Objective To teach the use of census data on literacy and the importance of age and age distribution for the analysis of literacy; to learn time-plotting of literacy data and practice plotting technique.

Exercise 1 Secure a table of literacy data by age and sex for some country.

Exercise 2 Compute proportions literate for each age group for both sexes, time plot these proportions literate, and comment on the results.

Exercise 3 Optional Obtain similar data from a previous census for the same country, time-plot proportions literate from both censuses, and analyze the results.

Exercise 4 Save the literacy table as a text file, with complete labelling, compress it using pkzip, and note the file size in bytes. How many such tables would fit on a single 1.44 mb floppy disk, compressed? How many first level administrative units are there for this country? How many second level units? How many third and fourth level units? How many levels could be fit on a single 1.44 mb floppy disk?

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